Sunday, April 27, 2008

Amazing, isn't it?

These bones were found in Italy near the city of Mantua, where Romeo was exiled in William Shakespeare's famous play, Romeo and Juliet.

Link to article

It's beautiful. Though these two skeletons couldn't possibly be the fictional Romeo and Juliet, their bones will rest in peace, together for eternity, embraced in each others arms.

A love like that is so rare.

And though we do not know the exact relationship of these skeletons and perhaps never will, I strongly believe that this is proof of the existence of love.

I wish I knew their story.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Letter to Jesse.

Dear Jesse,

I'm sorry. But you're still an ignorant asshole. You fucking lied and you deserve to get suspended for more than two days this time. And I thought we had a good thing going. But you wouldn't listen to me, and you didn't care enough.

I miss who you were at the beginning of this semester. When I mattered. When I was your friend, instead of a piece of meat. Just another chick to flirt with, to lie to, to walk all over.

Sorry for freaking out.
Sorry for caring.
Sorry for wanting to be a good friend to you.
Sorry for wanting to apologize.
But truth is, I don't know why I am sorry.
Because I didn't do anything wrong.

You were a good friend when you were. Or was that just an act as well? I miss staying up late, texting you, and having deep discussions with you. Especially the last one we had.

I don't know if I ever got to thank you for those hugs you gave me when my grandpa died. And calling me that afternoon to make sure I was doing okay. I appreciated that a lot. Because I wasn't doing okay, I'm STILL not doing okay, on the 5 week anniversary of his death.

Now I don't even know what to do. Everything is falling apart. I want to call you, but I don't know if I should.

I want to go back to how life was three years ago.


Saturday, April 19, 2008


People sometimes accuse me of being full of myself because I have what they want:

Not over-confidence, but I know how to put on a smile and hide it when I have low self-esteem.
Since when has that been a crime?

I don't like to be vulnerable. I don't like to be sad. And I sure as hell don't like to be taken advantage of. If I show my vulnerability to the world, I'm just asking for it.

Why frown when you know how to smile?

Don't be jealous.
Go get your own confidence instead of wasting your time trying to take a toll on mine.

Look around...there are plenty of things to be happy about.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Death is a funny thing.

The Surcease of Sorrow

By Kelly L. Delaney

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am the sparkle in the snow.
I am the shredded leaves that blow.
I am the sunlight on growing grain.
I am the gentle summer rain.
I am the quiet bird at night.
Circling about; Taking flight.
So do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

"Time had taken it's toll. She had no place to go."

So, tonight I found out that a girl I used to talk to a lot has died.

Her name was Amy. She was a sweet girl, with beautiful bright red hair. Until one day she dyed her hair black. She started smoking. She started cutting. She started conforming...she became the stereotype she wanted to be. I tried to talk her out of it, I didn't like what she was becoming.

About an hour ago, I find out that on March 31st she hung herself. Her brother found her, and they put her on life support.

Just maybe 10 minutes ago, I found out that she has died.

I'm not upset or anything. I'm just kind of shocked. I haven't talked to her in a long time, and I doubt she'd remember me. But I knew her, and I befriended her, so it just feels kind of weird. Like this is all a joke. But it's not.