Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008


It's done. This will be my last blog post before I post the link to the new blog. I'm creating it tonight . You know, I'm actually kind of sad that I'm getting a new blog. I'm not quitting, but I'm just starting over. I've had a lot of memories made with this blog. Tonight, I'm going to post excerpts from some memorable entries on this blog.

March 31st
"The worst part was watching the two air force officers folding the flag that was over his casket and giving it to my grandma. That was probably the hardest thing for me to watch, ever. At first, I didn't understand what they were doing. But when the officer knelt down in front of my grandma and handing the flag to her, in a moment of utter was absolutely unbearable. I had seen that being done in movies, at the funerals of the young and brave killed at war. I had never actually experienced that. My grandpa was not young or killed at war, but it was brave. He served in the United States Air Force during the Korean War."

April 22
Dear Jesse,
I miss who you were at the beginning of this semester. When I mattered. When I was your friend, instead of a piece of meat. Just another chick to flirt with, to lie to, to walk all over."

May 22
"Life is the way it should be."

I've recently come to that mindset, and I think that if I stick with it, I'll be much happier."

June 9
"We don't talk much anymore, but I still hold the utmost respect for him. He showed me how strong I really can be. And now I realize I can't have a boy dragging me down. If a boy wants to be with me and I want to be with him, so be it. But I can't hold myself down with unrequited crushes. I was weak and naive for three long years. And now I am free from the burden of hurt and infatuation.

And it feels fucking great."

July 17
"I'm growing up.
I may not get any taller or my boobs any bigger, but mentally, there is always more growing up I need to do."

August 10
"I've always wondered when my time to play that song will come. My biggest goal in life is to be somebody. To be special. To be more than a name, or a face in the crowd."

This is not the end. This is not goodbye. This is hello, and welcome to a new year.

Thanks, little blog, for being there for me.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I know what I want out of life, long term.
But what do I want out of life, short term?
Shouldn't I be itching for something more than what I have?

Maybe it's just usual summer buzz. No boys, no school work, therefore no pressure.

But in all honesty, do I even want anything more out of life? Of course, there are certain things I wouldn't mind having. But I could do without. You know what I mean? I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend, but I could do without at the moment. I'm sure in a week and a half, once school starts things will be different.

I wish they wouldn't be.

P.S. this boy inspires me daily

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I can't believe summer is almost over. Where did it go? This was an amazing summer. Here are some of my favorite memories:
- My party. A ton of my friends together just chilling and hanging at the park. We ran through the sprinklers and got all wet, and rolled down the hill. We also tried sliding down the hill in a sleeping bag.
- Warped Tour! Meeting The Academy Is... was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I still get all giggly when I think about it. And almost dying in the pit, oh my goodness, I was so happy even though I was scared shitless.
- Walking by myself at night on the 4th of July, listening to Jack's Mannequin.
- That one day I spent with Olivia. We went to the mall and chilled out, then we went to the park and called a dating hotline, and then we went to these people's house that I was house-sitting at the time and looked through all of their stuff and broke the banister. So much fun.
- The entire Wyoming trip. Julie and I flirting with those ugly guys and playing tip-cup with the hot baseball team next door. Rafting was so much fun too.
- The Breaking Dawn release. Meeting all those cute Harry Potter boys at the party was amazing. It still makes me smile. And staying up for almost two days reading it. Being awake to see the sunrise. Amazing.
- The other night, when I was alone laying in my backyard looking at the sky and waiting for meteors. I was listening to Jack's Mannequin, texting friends and feeling so infinite. Then that freaky meteor thing streaked across the sky, so big I saw flames. That was amazing.

Hopefully, there are more memories to come.

In a few days, I'm getting a new blog on livejournal. I'll miss this blog but like I said, it's time to go out with the old and in with the new. I think I've decided on a title, it might change but for now this is what it's going to be:
You gave me the best mixtape I have
And even all the bad songs ain't so bad

From the song Mixtape by Butch Walker. That song gives me the chills. It's beautiful.

I'm going to miss summer so fucking much.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Lying outside under a meteor shower.

Dark Blue, by Jack's Mannequin

I have, I have you
breathing down my neck, breathing down my neck
I don't, don't know
what you could possibly expect under this condition so
I'll wait, I'll wait for the
ambulance to come, ambulance to come
Pick us up off the floor
what did you possibly expect under this condition
So slow down,
this nights a perfect shade of

Dark blue, dark blue
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning and burning down
Dark blue, dark blue
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning
'til there's nothing but dark blue
Just dark blue-huee

And this flood, this flood is slowly rising up,
swallowing the ground beneath, my feet.
Tell me how anybody thinks under this condition so
I'll swim, I'll swim as the water rises up sun is sinking down and now
All I can see are the planets in a row suggesting it's best that I
Slow down this nights a perfect shade of

Dark blue, dark blue
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning and burning down

Dark blue, dark blue
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning dark blue

We were boxing,
we were boxing the stars
We were boxing (we were boxing)
you were swinging for Mars
And then the water reached the west coast
And took the power lines, the power lines
And it was me and you (lights over my) and the whole town underwater
There was nothing we could do
And it was dark blue

Dark blue, dark blue
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning and burning down

Dark blue
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning now there's nothing but dark blue

If you've ever been alone you'll know dark blue
If you've ever been alone you'll know, you'll know

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I was watching the men's 400 yrd relay and for a while, USA was lagging behind. Then we caught up, but we were still behind France. About 4 of the 8 teams were just killing the world record like none ever. France and the US were so close together you'd have to look very close to see who was ahead. At the very end, I was sure France would get the gold. But no, I couldn't believe my eyes when they both touched and it said that the US got FIRST. WE WON BY .08 OF A SECOND. I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT. FACEBOOK STATUSES ARE EXPLODING, IT'S ALREADY ON THE NEWS. THIS ONLY HAPPENED ABOUT 20 MINUTES AGO! I was jumping up and down, eyes wide, screaming, yelling, pulling out my hair. It was crazy.

But I think the part that touched me the most about tonight was after all the replays, the award ceremony, and the commentator's thoughts, they showed a montage of the US team's faces when they won. The music was Time of My Life by David Cook.

Whenever I hear that song, I always come close to tears. Those boys on that team are so special. They'll remember that moment for the rest of their lives. It's their time for fame. I'm so proud to say they're from my country.

I've always wondered when my time to play that song will come. My biggest goal in life is to be somebody. To be special. To be more than a name, or a face in the crowd.

I’ve been waiting for my dreams
To turn into something
I could believe in
And looking for that
Magic rainbow
On the horizon
I couldn’t see it
Until I let go
Gave into love and watched all the bitterness burn
Now I’m coming alive
Body and soul
And feelin’ my world start to turn

And I’ll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time,
This is the time
To be more than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life

Holding onto things that vanished
Into the air
Left me in pieces
But now I’m rising from the ashes
Finding my wings
And all that I needed
Was there all along
Within my reach
As close as the beat of my heart

and I’ll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time,
This is the time to be
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life

And I’m out on the edge of forever
Ready to run
I’m keeping my feet on the ground
Arms open wide
Face to the sun

I’ll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time,
This is the time to be
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
This is the time
This is the time of my life.
This is the time of my life.

A couple of friends of mine.