Wednesday, August 6, 2008

But I'm gonna take you to my boxcar on the beach.

Tonight has been a good day. A very good day.

My dad and I had a bit of an argument this morning, but we got it sorted out after a few tears. I really love my dad. Then, he decided to make it up to me by taking me to the grocery store and buying sugar and chocolate chip cookies and strawberry ice cream. We also bought little $1 Ben & Jerry's tubs that were delicious. We sat in the car, not saying anything, just eating, outside of the grocery store once we were done. Then we went home and used the cookies and ice cream to make ice cream sandwiches, which were a success and very delicious.

Then Talia came over and we sat in my room, looking through my yearbook and pointing out the people we love and the people we hate. Then we discovered that Ringo in the Beatles poster above my bed looked like Josh, which was both creepy and funny haha. Then we realized it was raining, so we ran downstairs and outside and were dancing in it. It was so much fun. I love her. She is such a sweetheart and always puts you in a good mood. She's so sweet and pure, but not to the point where she's prude. Whenever I hang out with her, I always leave feeling like a good person.

Afterwards, we were talking on facebook with Josh, who is pretty much amazing. I miss him, it's been too long.

About 5 minutes ago, I made amends with Kella. I know, right? Crazy. But she's really an awesome girl, even though she makes some mistakes. I'm way jealous of her and I know I shouldn't be.

Now I'm having a conversation with Jess about crappy romance novels and the sex scenes they contain. Haha.

I love my life.