Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I can't believe summer is almost over. Where did it go? This was an amazing summer. Here are some of my favorite memories:
- My party. A ton of my friends together just chilling and hanging at the park. We ran through the sprinklers and got all wet, and rolled down the hill. We also tried sliding down the hill in a sleeping bag.
- Warped Tour! Meeting The Academy Is... was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I still get all giggly when I think about it. And almost dying in the pit, oh my goodness, I was so happy even though I was scared shitless.
- Walking by myself at night on the 4th of July, listening to Jack's Mannequin.
- That one day I spent with Olivia. We went to the mall and chilled out, then we went to the park and called a dating hotline, and then we went to these people's house that I was house-sitting at the time and looked through all of their stuff and broke the banister. So much fun.
- The entire Wyoming trip. Julie and I flirting with those ugly guys and playing tip-cup with the hot baseball team next door. Rafting was so much fun too.
- The Breaking Dawn release. Meeting all those cute Harry Potter boys at the party was amazing. It still makes me smile. And staying up for almost two days reading it. Being awake to see the sunrise. Amazing.
- The other night, when I was alone laying in my backyard looking at the sky and waiting for meteors. I was listening to Jack's Mannequin, texting friends and feeling so infinite. Then that freaky meteor thing streaked across the sky, so big I saw flames. That was amazing.

Hopefully, there are more memories to come.

In a few days, I'm getting a new blog on livejournal. I'll miss this blog but like I said, it's time to go out with the old and in with the new. I think I've decided on a title, it might change but for now this is what it's going to be:
You gave me the best mixtape I have
And even all the bad songs ain't so bad

From the song Mixtape by Butch Walker. That song gives me the chills. It's beautiful.

I'm going to miss summer so fucking much.