Friday, August 1, 2008

Early morning poetry

When the morning light fights through the cracks
cascading across the bed, and you are mine.
When your parents start to wake for work,
between the sheets, I’ll keep a watchful eye.
Right here, the best days of our lives.
Is this coincidence or a sign?
- After The Last Midtown Show, by The Academy Is...

I wrote this at about 1 AM this morning when I was freaking out about my dog getting put to sleep tomorrow. I've come to realize that I'm a shitty poet. I wish I could write as well as William Beckett, whose words I have sampled above.

Out there
Out in the cold, dark world
There is someone to lie with me,
To hold my hand,
And to tell me it's okay.
Someone who will return the blood to my cheeks
And pump it through my veins.
Warm my tired body
And make my day complete.
I do not know where he lives
Or how he spends his time
All I know in my heart is
That he will always be mine.

I don't like the final line, I'm having difficulties figuring what to put though. I'm working on it.