Sunday, July 13, 2008

In fair Verona, where we lay our scene

I want a boy who...

Is good with kids
Will let me sing and dance in the car
Who will throw rocks at my window at night
Will let me rant and rave about books
Will flatter my friends
Will discuss politics with me
Will pick up their phone at any ungodly hour of the night
Has sexy hands
Will dance and flirt with old ladies
Will watch musicals with me
Will take me on an adventure
Knows what he wants out of life and is willing to work to get it
Has an outrageous sense of humor
Will be my best friend
Can be both mature and immature at the same time
Who is a gentleman
Doesn't just want to get in my pants
Will leave me be when I'm quiet
Will wait for me to come to him when I have a problem
Gets along with my dad
Will sing to me, even if he sucks
Would rather have a night at a carnival than a romantic dinner
Will let me gossip and rant when I'm angry and won't interject until I'm done
Won't stop me from being friends with other guys, but also gets slightly protective and jealous (but not too much)
Will be completely honest with me and tell me when something doesn't look good
Will bake me a cake
Will kick anyone's ass who hurt me
Will listen to me when I talk too much
Respects my choices
Will tell me when he thinks a girl is hot
Will wait to tell me he loves me until he truly means it
Will text me to say goodnight

But on top of all that, I want a boy who isn't TOO perfect. Who makes mistakes. Who is a human. Who has differences that we can celebrate.

I'm too hard to please. Maybe that's why I have never been kissed/had a boyfriend before.